Kathryn LaPointe, Rebekah Flores, Susan Boyer, Tabitha Rudy
We can cite statistics and wring our hands at the dearth of women in leadership (and we do!) but we know that stories are what transform and activate us. Hear four women’s unique – yet universal – experiences. Called to leadership but voted down. Offered a seat at the table but not listened to. Invited onto the committee but couldn’t find reliable childcare and missed meetings and fell out of the loop. Grew weary of being the *only* woman, and/or person of color, and/or LGBTQ person in the group.
Just like our first Speaking Truth to Power panel in 2020, expect to be challenged, inspired, welcomed and affirmed in this gathering! You can watch the 2021 panel live or later!
The Living Stream congregation is pleased to once again be hosting the Womaen’s Caucus panel. We support Caucus’ purpose and vision and seek to embody in our online church full inclusivity and equality in the Body of Christ. We welcome visitors, explorers, sojourners every Sunday evening at 8pm eastern / 5pm pacific time at www.livingstreamcob.org.
As we speak truth to power we are generating power. Stories can change us; stories can change our culture. Womaen’s Caucus wants to generate power with you as we call the equitable, just, diverse and passionate church! Let’s get equipped: Leadership in the CoB workshop, August 24!