CoB Statement on Abortion
Our Annual Conference booth and luncheon were opportunities to dialog about the Church of the Brethren Statement on Abortion, adopted in 1984. First we asked “What do you think the Church of the Brethren says about abortion?”
“That it’s wrong,” answered virtually everyone we talked to.
Turns out it’s more nuanced than that.
The CoB position contains only one simple anti-abortion sentence:
Brethren oppose abortion because it destroys fetal life.
Reading on we find the complexity that the subject requires:
Let it be clear that the Brethren ideal upholds the sacredness of human life and that abortion should be accepted as an option only where all other possible alternatives will lead to greater destruction of human life and spirit.
We encourage you to read the full statement.
Womaen’s Caucus advocates a position on abortion that is prayerfully respectful of women as moral decision makers. We wonder: How can we be innovative, adaptable, and fearless disciples who cherish sacred life and also support persons for whom abortion is the least destructive option?
Read the complete Femailing issue here.